Mathematical development until the Ninth Century

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Arab mathematical developments after the mid-eighth century was amazing once and have a role and a great contribution to the development of the history of mathematics at all. in the first century the development of the religion of Islam, the Arabs are still far behind in science compared with surrounding countries, such as India, Greece and Rome.
Al Khwarizmi one mathematician

Math Ages Starters

At the beginning of this century seems the Arabs were still busy with their own domestic opposition -pertentangan. But starting in the year 750 that is at the beginning of government Abbasids caliphs state turned sharply once one which began at the time of the Arabs to rise to catch up in science. They begin to explore science either contained within the Arab world itself, as well as from outside Saudi.
Arab nations began to study astronomy, the concepts of philosophy, medicine, mathematics and other sciences from Greece, India, Egypt, Babylonia, and others. Gradually the work of science of classical Greece and India were taken to Baghdad, the capital of East Arab Caliphate, later translated into Arabic. It is very beneficial to the development of the history of mathematics, because almost all the work of the ancient Greek matematka can not be found anymore, living now is only the translation of these works into Arabic.
During the reign of the Abbasid caliphs particularly in a period of three renowned Khalifa, Al Mansur, Harun ar-Rashid and al-Ma'mun. Baghdad became the center of the development of mathematics and natural sciences in replacing the position of the city of Alexandria in ancient Greece. During the reign of the third caliph is almost all the works matamatician originating from outside the Arab, such as India, Greece, and Messopotamia. Then, on the orders of the caliph was translated into Arabic.
In the reign of khlifah Al Mansur (754-779), the works of Hindu mathematician Brahmagupta taken to Baghdad. Then the caliph Al-Mansur ordered to translate it into Arabic. Among the works of Brahmagupta is a book on astronomy, mathematics and other natural sciences. Based on this work which later became part of the Arabic mathematics. Not long after translating the works of this Brahmagupta (775), then in the year 780 works of the Greek mathematician Ptelemy of astrology called "Tetrabiblos" to be translated into Arabic.
In the reign of Caliph Harun ar-Rashid (786-808) resumed translate ancient Greek works, including including the works of Euclid, Element. Caliph Harun al-rasyid is a caliph to support efforts to promote the development of science and culture of the Arab nation. Translations works of ancient Greece have continued until the reign of the caliph al-Ma'mun (809-833).
Caliph Al-Ma'mun, the son of Caliph Harun al-rasyid is caliphs who also loves to science to the glory of his people, in addition he himself was an astronomer. During the reign of Caliph Al-Ma'mun was continued again next translation elements books of Euclid, and Ptolemy also translated "Almagest", in return for peace with the Byzantine Emperor. Besides ordering to translate the works of Greek and other foreign works. Khlaifah Al-Ma'mun also ordered to revise the translations that have been done before.
At the outset, the translation of foreign books into Arabic experiencing some difficulties, karma translators in addition to master the Arabic language and the native language of the book is translated, it should also have sufficient knowledge about the material content of the book is translated it. Therefore, the translation of a book is often done repeatedly and sometimes the translation was not done by Arabs themselves, but assisted by experts brought in from outside the Arab.
Caliph Al-Ma'mun, build "Baitul Hikmah" tau dikenaljuga with darul wisdom in Baghdad. Forging this form of libraries and the observation of comparable denganmuseum in the days of Alexandria. The teaching staff at the Bait al-hikma, besides scholars Arab nation itself, there are also scholars from outside the Arab, such as from Persia (Iran), Syria, and Messopotamia, including scholars of the Jews and Christians were invited by the Caliph to Baghdad , One well-known Islamic scholar who teaches at the Bait al-hikma is Al Khawarismi, whose name became known in Western Europe through his work in mathematics and astronomy.
During the reign of three caliphs, in addition to Al-khawarismi many Arab scholars wrote works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy. Since the reign of three caliphs until the ninth century mathematician-matematician emerging Arab, who also gave his contribution in the development of the world including the history of mathematics is as follows.

Some Arab Leaders Sciences

It is not known for sure Muhammad ibn Musa al khawarismi born and he died around the year 850. alkhawarismi expected to write more than half a dozen works on mathematics and astronomy. Two of al khawarismi very famous and important role in the historical development of mathematics was his work on arithmetic and algebra. One of the works of Al-khawarismi that can be saved is the book that has been translated into Latin is a book about the art of counting Hindu) in which the original work in Arabic can not be found anymore. In this book, which is likely based on the masterpiece Brahmagupta "Brahma sphuta aiddhanta" in Arabic, Al-khawarismi provide an explanation of the Hindu system of numeracy. From the work of Al-khawarismi this system evolved to become Hindu numeracy numeracy system we use today. Although Al-khawarismi not state that numeracy system is the result of his work, but the new notation is better known by the name "algorismi" is derived from the name of Al-khawarismi own.
Al-khawarismi work of the famous one of them is arithmetic. Arithmetic al-khawarismi, besides introducing systems of numeracy Hindu, gave explanations about hkum-law in algorism Hindu and computing process known as "casting out 9's" which is used to check the results of computational arithmetic, as well as the laws " false position "and" double false position ", in which certain algebraic processes can be solved algebraically.
Al-khawarismi works of both well-known is algebra. Although Diaphantus considered the "father of algebra" but the work of Al-khawarismi is closer lessons learned algebra in school-middle school now, compared algebraic Diophantus nor his real Brahmagupta.perbedaan between algebra Al-khawarismi with Diophantus algebra is:

    1. Algebra Al-khawarismi much simpler than algebra Diophantus.
    2. Algebra Al-khawarismi entirely retonik, where none of the syncopation of Diophantus and Brahmagupta. Even numbers in algebra Al-khawarismi written with words and not with the symbol.

      Of the two issues above, can disimpilkan that algebra Al-khawarismi does not depend on the algebraic Diophantus, although there is the possibility that Al-khawarismi be familiar with at least the computing and astronomy Brahmagupta.
      There are two versions of algebra Al-khawarismi found, the original version in Arabic and translated versions in Latin with the title "Liber algrabrae at almucobala" where the Latin version of part of the contents of this book is removed.
      Thabit ibn Qurra, ninth century a glittering era for Arab mathematician, who not only gave rise to Al-khawarismi alone but also some well-known mathematician Thabit ibn-Qurra lainnya.seperti, Abu Kamil Shuja, and Al-Battani. Thabit ibn-Qurra is Arab mathematician who gives konstribusinya in the areas of algebra, as well as Al-khawarismi. The works of Thabit is comparable to the works that comment on math Poppus more "advanced". Thabit ibn-Qurra not only experts in the field of mathematics, but also mastered the Arabic, Greek, and Syria. Diamembuka school for translators, especially for the Greeks and Syrians. Thabit translation of the works of Appolonius, Archimedes, Euclid, Ptolemy, and Theodorus dianggab is the most excellent.
      Abu Qamil Sujja, other famous Arab mathematician Abu Kamil Shuja bin Aslam, known as the "expert calculated from Egypt". As well as Al-khawarismi, Abu Kamil Shuja is an expert in the field of algebra. He wrote a book entitled "book of algebra walmuqubalah fi" which is a commentary on the work of Al-khawarismi suction walmuqubalah algebra. Abu Kamil Shuja took direct some of the problems in the work of Al-khawarismi then provide an additional settlement of the problems, the changes are immediately apparent in the algebra of Abu Kamil Shuja is combine the practical, such as those in Al-khawarismi, with theoretical and geometric approach of experts matematia Greece
      Al-Battani known in Europe under the name Albagterius. Al-Battani is an expert on trigonometry. He contributed a lot about some trigonometry theorems. By fixing some ancient Greek trigonometry theorems. In his book which has been translated into Latin under the title "de scientio stellaeruj".

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