Origins of Phi in Formula Circles

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Perhaps this is the first raw numbers in mathematics are taught when the Primary School. Actually, Pi is the circumference of a circle whose diameter is one unit (see figure below).

A wheel with a diameter of 1 meter and then measured its circumference by attaching a rope round the wheel, the length of rope required is approximately 3.14159 meters. The ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle is always constant for each circle is 3.14159. Pi is also usually defined as one full rotation circle or 1pi = 360derajat.
- 22/7 pi is a number that is close to, but not pi, pi actually 3.14159265358979323846264338327 ...

Interesting Facts About Phi
In 1706, an English mathematician introduced the Greek alphabet to represent the value of phi is said. However, in 1737, Euler officially adopted this symbol to represent the number.
In 1897, the legislature of Indiana tried to determine the most accurate value for pi. But this policy was not successful.
Most of the people at that time did not know the fact that the circle has an infinite number of angles. The value of phi is the number diameter circle to be fitted to the circumference of a circle.
The value of pi is 22/7 and is written as = 22/7 or = 3.14.
The value of pi to 100 decimal places first is: 3,141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 105 820 974 9445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 ...
Another interesting fact is you will not find a zero in the first 31 digits of pi.
In addition to everyday geometry calculations, the value of phi is also used in various scientific equations including genetic engineering, gauge reactions, normal distribution, and so on.
Did you know that phi is not only irrational but also a number of elusive?Another interesting fact about to be taken from the Greek letter phi "Piwas". It is also the Greek alphabet to-16.
A businessman in Cleveland, USA, published a book in 1931 to announce that the value of pi is 256/81.If you are printing billions of decimal phi, then it would stretch from New York City to Kansas.

Interesting Facts About Phi Other Again
Did you know Yasumasa Kanada, a professor at the University of Tokyo ?? It needs about 116 hours of time to find as many as 6,442,450,000 decimal places Phi computer.
In 1706, John Machin introduce a formula to calculate the value of pi, namely:/ 4 = 4 * arc tan (1/5) - arc tan (1/239).
In 1949, he also spent about 70 hours to count 2,037 decimal places of pi using the ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrator and Computer).
A German mathematician, Ludolph van Ceulen, dedicating his whole life to count the first 35 decimal places of pi.
In 1768, Johann Lambert proved the value of Phi is an irrational number, and in 1882, Ferdinand Lindemann, who is also famous mathematician Phi is proving elusive number.
There are people who memorize all the decimal digits of pi. These people make songs and music based on the digits of pi. In this life, there are many interesting and fun facts about phi.


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